I Need a Man

I Need a Man

Corporación Humanas


The Challenge

In Chile, women are dependent on men due to the law of marital society that has perpetuated male supremacy since 1855. According to Article 1749 of the Chilean Civil Code, “The husband is the head of the conjugal society and, as such, he administers the marital assets and those of his wife,” meaning that all women in Chile must seek permission from their husbands to inherit, sell, or apply for credit.

The Solution

Corporación Humanas created a movement that, through outrage, led to legal reform.

They had two of the country’s most influential women post a controversial message on their social media during the week of March 8th, also known as International Women’s Day. They wrote “I need a man,” and then let social media do its thing.

The Results

Earned media

The campaign dominated social media. It took the voices of women to the streets during the March 8th protest, where the Minister of Women and Gender Equality heard the demands and proposed changing the law in Congress – leading to its acceptance by senators and culminating in the work towards a new law to change this reality.